Sunday, November 30, 2008

Join the Conservative Underground!!!

Not so long ago, I was a Democrat. A Liberal. A Progressive. A Fool! I even had a crush on old Bill...and was jealous of Monica! I'm so ashamed to admit it. But we all have to grow up one day, and my day was September 11, 2001.Sitting in my classroom consoling my first graders' fears while trying to hide my own, I knew things had changed irreparably for our great nation.

I searched the news for a voice of truth, one that would tell me what I needed to know as a US citizen, a Christian, a mom, a teacher. I needed to know not only the incoming news about the crash sites, but what was going on in the world, something to which I'd never given a 2nd thought.The voice I found was Sean Hannity, and I've been addicted ever since. He's a straight shooter who tells it like it is, unbiased and unfiltered, so that we as Americans can make choices based on knowledge and information, not emotions or ignorance. He is not afraid of the lie because he's got the truth behind him. I've been so very Hannitized. How 'bout you?


I Want Change Based on Truth, not PropagandaThe election is over...and many of you may feel discouraged after witnessing the utter disregard of the media, the politicians, and propagandizers for the morals, values, integrity, and the very principles that this exceptional nation was founded upon.

The only way that we can make a change (true change based on our founding fathers' conservative principles) is to join together en masse so that OUR voice is the loudest in 2012.We need to stand up for our values and get the word out there to those who have been blinded by the media and the idea of being a part of "something bigger."

Something bigger is leading us down the path to Socialism, and soon after, Communism.We will not be led blindly by those who are blind. I have faith in our Lord and in our country and in you to make the RIGHT change in 2012.

Back to Reagan's Conservative Principles:

Hannity's Top 10 Items for Conservatism: